Make Appointment

Our goal is to provide exceptional, compassionate patient care, good client education, and clear client communication. To prevent any miscommunication or confusion, we have outlined many of our most common hospital policies below.

Appointment and Payment Policies


To reduce your wait time, we strongly recommend that clients schedule appointments in advance. We will always make exceptions for patients with significant medical need or for patient emergencies.

  • Emergencies: We will make every attempt to accommodate and care for urgent care and emergency cases during business hours. Additional fees may be incurred for walk-in or emergency (life threatening) patient care. When possible, we advise calling while on your way to an emergency/urgent care appointment.
  • Late Arrival: Clients who are more than 15 minutes late to a scheduled appointment may be asked to reschedule their appointment.
  • No-Show Appointments: Clients who repeatedly fail to attend a scheduled appointment may be required to leave a non-refundable deposit to “hold” appointment times.

Canine Rabies Vaccine Policy:

In compliance with state and local laws, canine patients must be up to date on their rabies vaccine. In addition to legal compliance, this policy protects our staff, clients, and our patients from unexpected bites.

  • Exceptions: Exceptions to this policy will be made for pets who qualify for rabies vaccine exemption in San Diego County.
  • Treatment of Unvaccinated Sick Pets: If an unvaccinated pet requires treatment where vaccinations would be inadvisable (based on doctor’s assessment), we will make a one-time exception to the above-listed policy until it is safe to vaccinate your pet.
  • Rabies Titers: In compliance with state and local laws, rabies vaccine titers are do not provide exemption to our rabies vaccine policy.


We will always attempt to generate an accurate estimate for your pet’s treatment plan. In the event that your pet’s treatment and diagnostics will exceed the provided estimate, the doctor will call you to discuss and approve the changes.


Payment is required at time of service. We accept Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Checks. For client seeking pay over time options, we also accept Care Credit and Scratchpay.

Prescriptions and Refills

  • Annual Examinations: As directed by state law, a current (once yearly) Examination with one of our doctors is required for all vaccines, prescription refills, injectable medications (such as Cytopoint, Librela, and Solensia), and prescription diets.
  • Prescription Refills: We recommend that you allow 24 hours for prescription refills. Approval for refills is at the discretion of the doctor and is subject to state laws, hospital policies, and veterinary standards of practice.
  • Annual Heartworm Testing: In accordance with the American Heartworm Association, an annual heartworm test required for refills of heartworm preventative medications.